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Friday, December 31, 2010


It's what is going on inside our head regarding everything all the time.
Turn every negative thought around as soon as possible.  We have a
choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past.  We cannot change the fact that people
will act a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.  The only
thing we can do is rely on the one thing we have and that is our
attitude.  Life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how
we react to it.  And so it is with you.  You alone are in charge of
your attitude.

Ten facts we must accept:

1.    I must accept the fact that I will have a lot of days when  I simply do not
       feel like doing anything at all.  But I must do it anyway.
2.    I must accept the fact that there will be days when I spend the entire
       time in the act of failing and understand it’s part of life.  Failure is
       positive as it causes growth.
3.    I must accept the fact there is going to be a lot of days when I do not
       succeed no matter how hard I try.  Two choices…good day or bad day.
4.    I must accept the fact that building a successful business always takes
       longer than I thought it would and longer than I was told.
5.    I must accept the fact this is going to be much harder work than I
       thought it was going to be.
6.    I must accept the fact that I will need a lot of support on a regular basis
       to change how I think and how I behave.  You can’t have too much
       positive support.
7.    I must accept the fact there are a lot more things I have to learn than
       I ever imagined.  Ego gets in the way of learning.
8.    I must accept the fact that no matter how I look at the real estate
       business, it is still a numbers game and I must adjust my mindset
       to that fact.
9.    I must accept the fact that I have to do what I am supposed to do
       every day in spite of what is going on in my life.
10.  I must accept the fact that I have to keep trying, even when I’ve chosen
       to give up,  because we never know when we are going to win.

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